I'm soo glad
you're here
Let me introduce myself...
So how did I come to live in one of the most famous Ecovillages in the world... and what expertise do I have that guides people to powerfully transform inside and out...
...want to know the whole story? then read on...
My earliest memory as a Child
My Mama taught me

I worked in various Jobs
on leaving school, and then woke up to my innate creativity at 25 when I studied a degree in Ceramics and Sculpture.
The creative process came alive within me and with it, a deepening of Self awareness and Self knowledge.
I started to heal and grow within... simply from expressing my feelings and my inner voice through creative means.
I worked in Nature
and with children - I was a Forest School leader and trainer. I realised that children respond very quickly to empathic, creative adults... and actually, it was the adults that needed help to connect with natural expression, children were so often naturally flowing in their creativity. So, I trained in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy, in Cellular Healing, NLP, Emotional Intelligence and every healing modality I could get my hands on... I created my own training company and delivered Emotional Intelligence all over the UK. I worked with 20 different nations in a European Parenting project in 11 European cities and became a leader in my field.
I sensed I was on track with my real purpose... but then Life took me in an unexpected direction....
My beautiful Life Partner
In the early days it was tough...

I love flowers

I went to one of the holiest paces on Earth,
My life turned upside down and inside out
I asked myself possibly the most important question of all...
What am I here to create, to ignite, to bring? what is my Purpose here on Earth? This enquiry gave rise to the creation of our Retreat Centre. The Lammas Earth Centre was born as a beacon for transformation and healing. I continued to connect deeper with Nature and the Source... simply listening internally, externally for the next step. My healing mission resulted in birthing The School of Natural Shamanism and grounding two practitioner trainings; Sound Healer Practitioner Training and Natural Shamanism Practitioner Training. I know how vital it is to have truly aligned healers in the world at this time on Earth for the shifts needed are HUGE. I help people make Sacred Shamanic Drums and support the realisation of the power of this immense instrument for healing. I'm deeply honoured to be an associate tutor with the Spiritual Companions Trust and I feel deeply humbled that I get given this SACRED life to live. May I be in HUMBLE servicein every area of this Sacred Life through all time for the sacred work to be done.

This natural INNER power of love, peace and creativity is available to each and every one of us.
My job is to help you get access to it
Your freedom, is my freedom is the freedom of all!
Work with Hoppi in Person
Sound Healer Practitioner Training
12 month intensive
Sound is one of the most powerful mood altering substances on the planet. Indigenous cultures have worked with the healing power of sound since the dawn of time. In this Practitioner Training, Hoppi teaches you how to work with Voice, Tuning Forks, Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Bowls, Shamanic Drum & Rattle, Gong, learning to work creatively and originally to cultivate unique sound baths for sonic healing. You'll be taught trauma Informed practices and conscious business methods to promote your healing practice
Natural Shamanism Practitioner Training
15 month intensive
This is a deeply experiential journey of connecting to the Spirit in all things. You'll learn to make and work with your own shamanic tools and navigate inner landscapes whilst invoking profound healing for your clients. This is a dynamic journey of developing your own unique relationship with the Sacred within yourself which involves your own deep healing aswell as facilliating soul retrieval, cord cuts, auric tear repairs and so much more. This life-changing journey will realign everything so you are a hollow flute for Spirit to flow through.
Birth Your Own
Shamanic Drum
1 Day of Sacred Crafting
Birth Your Own Shamanic Drum. You'll be guided in the powerful and humbling process of birthing your own beautiful drum and beater. This Sacred Crafting Ceremony is profound. The crafting space involves intentionality where every aspect of crafting is a beautiful prayer, a teaching, a reflection of wisdom and realisation for you. Making your own drum is a form of initiation. You'll be guided to connect with the spirit of your drum and to honour all the parts that go into making this powerful instrument of healing and growth.
Work with Hoppi in Person
Introduction in Natural Shamanism
9 Week Online
Are you feeling called to explore living shamanically? Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual paths on Earth and requires no scriptures, no dogma or rules. The path of shamanism often draws on working with specific tools to invoke altered states of consciousness for soul growth, heart healing and personal alignment. It is a path of beauty and connection, a path of belonging. Join Hoppi for this journey to guide you in creating solid foundations for exploring Natural Shamanism safely and with creativity and flair.
Connect with Your Shamanic Drum
7 Week Online
Drums are portals that open incredible depths of healing & realisation. They provide remarkable anchors for travelling to inner realms for gleaning wisdom and inspiring soul growth. Drums are vehicles for unlocking our voices and expressing our hearts. They provide sacred containers to connect with the ancestors. Drums provide rhythm and rhythm is life. Knowing how to unlock these remarkable potentials hidden within your drum requires truly connecting just as the ancients did thousands of years ago.
Elemental - Life Transforming Journey
Coming Soon Online
This is a rigorous journey involving working with the Elements as teachers. Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether contain incredible depth and wisdom for personal transformation. This journey will support you to clear inner mental blocks and help you honour and flow with your feelings. You'll start to align with your soul's passion and become grounded and present with healthy boundaries. Working with MP3 meditations, inner journeys, sacred music and a wide range of practices that create authenticity, grounding, embodiment and feeling centred in Self.
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Ignite your soul's passion and fill your life with purpose and meaning |
I love writing and contribute to various pubications.
I've been featured in Spirit & Destiny Magazine, Psychologies Today and other magazines.
I've done various TV for BBC, Channel 4 and many independents film companies.
I've worked internationally featuring on Central China TV, Russian TV and Dutch TV.
Please CLICK HERE to connect regarding Media work