Natural Shamanism
15 Month Training
In Natural Shamanism there is only one Teacher and that is Nature. Nature is our inner and outer worlds.
There is no separation.
Nature is One
Live in Sacred Alignment • Create Peace and Balance
Natural Shamanism is centred in the natural flow and deeply respects all of life. It is a profound path of self development and spiritual growth. The shamanic path involves growing into a human being who walks in Sacred balance with integrity, wisdom and full heart, fully connected with the pulse of a practical, respectful, naturally aligned life.
Shamanism is an innate belonging, it IS a calling and not for the faint of heart... it's for people who feel called to heal themselves and truly serve in Life. It's for people who intend to take full responsibility for thoughts, actions and words and create and weave beauty, balance, love, truth and peace in the world.
Your fifteen month training starts on the 1st of May each year. Your journey into Natural Shamanism is a combination of monthly modules delivered through live group sessions online with Hoppi and 3 x 5 day in-person trainings in July, November and April at the Lammas Earth Centre with course completion August the following year.
All dates are outlined below.
Natural Shamanism inspires Connection with Awe, Wonder, and the Mystery of Life - |
In-person trainings
These are an essential aspect of your journey with a two fold purpose:- Firstly, to connect with your peer group and weave lifelong connections with others walking the same path as you.
Secondly, to receive high calibre training as you explore your shamanic skills and have the opportunity to work with expert guidance on hand to support you.
These 'in-person' trainings are scheduled for the following dates:
14-18 July 2025
10-14 November 2025
6-10 April 2026
24-26 July 2026
Trainings include a hearty lunch each day
Dates & Times for our monthly online LIVE zooms will
be agreed to work for all participants

I feel that the protection we have been gifted has been like a resilient rod of titanium holding me strong when I need it most. I feel that we are so blessed not only to have one another but to share this process and of course settle under the amazing swan wings of Hoppi. Reawakening our ancient healing wisdom and reminding us to authentically enjoy and share pure unfiltered love for the highest and purest good. I honestly feel like my senses have been tuned in to the right frequency for the first time in this lifetime. I feel-hear the energy radiating. The sense of knowing is utterly calm, strong, aligned, true and real. I feel I want everyone to experience, understand and enjoy this way of being THANK YOU so much
Debs Richards
I finished a energy healing with this beautiful lady who has now passed over, Hoppi. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your wisdom, help, guidance and support… everything I’ve learnt from you was carried out today in order to restore some peace and balance before the lady passed. I used ALL the tools, and the teachings..and although I was nervous I ‘parked’ me. I know I have found my soul purpose - my dharma.
Thank you all for your continuous support I love you all and I’m so proud of how far we are all coming on our own journeys and as a team.
Katie Higgins
I feel so so aligned with a deep knowing of where I'm going and what I can now offer the people who come to me for healing. It feels so good after many years of gathering my tools. It's like I've been searching and waiting for it to all drop into alignment so I can bring it all into a beautiful session for people who come to me for healings. It's all down to this course so thankyou thankyou thankyou Hoppi for sharing your amazing gifts with us xx
Laura Lunar Hurst
Caroline Thomas
Laurence Hardy
Tashi Pritchard
Massage & Yoga Therapist
Geraldine Noott
Shiatsu Practitioner & Dog Walker
Connect with Souls on
the Same Wavelength
Be a part of our beautiful
Natural Shamanism Family
Skills Include
- Working with Shamanic Tools for profound healing
- Creating Safe & Sacred working practices
- Designing & Holding Sacred Ceremony
- Healing with Hoppi's Energy Healing Map
- Connecting with Animal, Plant and Mineral Spirits and the Spirit of Place.
- Clearing & Blessing with Aroma and Fragrance
- Cleansing & Balancing with energy amplifiers
- Living in balance with the Four Elements within
- Aligning in Sacred Source
Three Part Training
The first aspect of your training involves learning the central drum journey format and working with your shamanic drum. This primary tool opens access to the Quantum Field to help you facillitate profound multi-dimensional healing for your clients. Your role at this stage is to facillitate your clients in retrieving their own soul parts, working with many different shamanic tools internally. This part of your training awakens your inner eye and helps you embody the tools and trust yourself to invoke the highest and the best within the world of Spirit. At this point in your training you work peer to peer. This involves much personal healing as well as facillitation of drum journeys.
The second aspect of the training involves learning Hoppi's powerful energy healing map and dedicated energy healing tools to shift stuck, stagnant energy and invoke the highest and most vibrant alignment for your clients. You'll be working with wings, tuning forks, himalayan bowls, aroma, rattle, voice and drum. These energy healing tools act as amplifiers that deeply compliment the inner process you facilliatate with your clients. It is here in this second part that your case study work with "real" clients begins.
The final aspect of your training involves taking everything you've learned and beginning to work within the Axis Mundi to retreive their soul parts on their behalf. You will be opening into creating safe and sacred space with ceremony, space clearing, intrusion extractions, curse removals, repairing auric tears, working with Animal, Plant, Angelic, Deity energies within the Spirit realm for the highest healing of your clients.
This practitioner training is YOUR OWN personal Spiritual Journey into your innate relationship with yourself and your world.. You'll be encouraged throughout to listen deeply and follow your own personal truth, to take full responsibility for yourself, to really listen to your heart, to what feels natural and good to your being, and learn how your intuition is speaking with you.
Throughout your journey you'll be balancing the elements within, becoming Still, aligned and Sacredly Aware in the heart of all creation. This Presence will stabilise through your training. You will begin to work with these embodied tools to bring balance, peace and harmony to people & places.
Pay a non-returnable space holder fee of £250... a committment to your training.
The remaining balance of £3700 can be paid through three options.
Option 1
£146.67 per month
and "Pay as you go" £400 per retreat x 3
July, November and April
"pay as you go" £250 for final 3 day Graduation/Proficiency retreat in August.
Option 2
£246.67 pm for 15 months which includes all In-Person training retreats.
Option 3
£3700 pay in full.
We believe in equal fees for all pay scales rather than giving discount benefits to people able to pay in full.

The Lammas Earth Centre is an approved Training Provider for the IPHM.
Your 15 Month Practitioner Training is Accredited by
The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
On successful completion of your training,
you will be licenced and insured to practice
as a Practitioner in Natural Shamanism
Connect with Awe ~ Work With Wonder
Be rooted in the Mystery of Life
... More ways to work with Hoppi...
Sound Healer Practitioner Training
12 month intensive
Sound is one of the most powerful mood altering substances on the planet. Indigenous cultures have worked with the healing power of sound since the dawn of time. In this Practitioner Training, Hoppi teaches you how to work with Voice, Tuning Forks, Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Bowls, Shamanic Drum & Rattle, Gong, learning to work creatively and originally to cultivate unique sound baths for sonic healing. You'll be taught trauma Informed practices and conscious business methods to promote your healing practice
Connect with Your Shamanic Drum
Drums are portals that open incredible depths of healing & realisation. They provide remarkable anchors for travelling to inner realms for gleaning wisdom and inspiring soul growth. Drums are vehicles for unlocking our voices and expressing our hearts. They provide sacred containers to connect with the ancestors. Drums provide rhythm and rhythm is life. Knowing how to unlock these remarkable potentials hidden within your drum requires truly connecting just as the ancients did thousands of years ago.
Birth Your Own Shamanic Drum
1 Day of Sacred Crafting
Birth Your Own Shamanic Drum with Hoppi. You'll be guided in the powerful and humbling process of birthing your own beautiful drum and beater. This Sacred Crafting Ceremony is profound. The crafting space is always a space of intentionality where every aspect of crafting your gorgeous drum is a beautiful prayer, a teaching, a reflection of wisdom and realisation for you. Making your own drum is a form of initiation. You'll be guided to connect with the spirit of your drum and to honour all the parts that go into making this powerful instrument of healing and growth.
... More ways to work with Hoppi...
Introduction in Natural Shamanism
Are you feeling called to explore living shamanically? Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual paths on Earth and requires no scriptures, no dogma or rules. The path of shamanism often draws on working with specific tools to invoke altered states of consciousness for soul growth, heart healing and personal alignment. It is a path of beauty and connection, a path of belonging. Join Hoppi for this journey to guide you in creating solid foundations for exploring Natural Shamanism safely and with creativity and flair.
Bespoke Retreat
With Hoppi
For Deeper Journeys
This is for people that want to journey deeply and really face down the shadows within and connect with their Soul Essence as a fully embodied reality, not some woo-woo notion or construct of the mind. Depending on your needs, a Bespoke retreat can take place over two or three days. Accommodation and all food is provided, along with optional bodywork with talented local practitioners. These retreats are a life transforming deep dive held in Pristine Love.

Life Transforming Journey
12 Week ONLINE
This is a rigorous journey is coming soon, involving working with the Elements as teachers. Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether contain incredible depth and wisdom for personal transformation. This journey will support you to clear inner mental blocks and help you honour and flow with your feelings. You'll start to align with your soul's passion and become grounded and present with healthy boundaries in your life. Working with MP3 meditations, inner journeys, sacred music and a wide range of practices that create authenticity, grounding, embodiment and feeling centred in Self.