Join our
12 Month Journey
Accredited with the
International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine
For thousands of years, sound has been used by shamanic and indigenous cultures to effect powerful healing. Sound has been used in faith traditions all around the world to invoke profound shifts in consciousness and to promote connection with the Divine. Modern Medicine utilises the power of sound to break up gall stones, to map feotuses in the womb and to arrest cancers in the body.
Sound is the foundation of Life.
If you are feeling the call to train in Sound Healing...
Then take a look at our Curriculum below

Working with 9 Sound Healing Modalities
- Voice
- Tuning Forks
- Crystal Bowls
- Himalayan Bowls
- Shamanic Drum & Rattle
- Stand Gong
- Hand Gong
- Creative
- Sound Baths
- Conscious Business & Trauma Informed Practices
Working from a thorough foundation of
- Physics of Sound
- Sonic Mysticism
- Musical Intervals
- Chakra tones
- Solfeggio Frequencies
- Swaras & Bijas
- Mantra
- Sonic Massage
- Enneagram Mapping
- Cutting edge medical applications of Sound
First Online Call
6th March 2025
In-Person Trainings at the Lammas Earth Centre
20-23 March 2025
24-27 July 2025
Graduation, Licencing and Accreditation
7th Feb 2026
(subject to passing all case studies and payment of fees)
Live group zooms on the first Tuesday of each month.
First Online Call
In-Person Trainings at the Lammas Earth Centre
Autumn SHP
14-17 August
29 Jan - 1 Feb 2026
Graduation, Licencing and Accreditation
16th August 2025
(subject to passing all case studies and payment of fees)
Live group zooms on the first Tuesday of each month.

What People Are Saying
"I'm being totally mindblown by the sessions and the feedback I'm receiving from my case studies"
Imogen Townley"I feel I'm alive again and reborn to this beautiful planet and I feel a part of the infinite universe. I just know I will go on and on healing people with troubled lives. Sound has finally brought me to my home path"
Dave Johnson
Belinda Ray
Joe Jordan
Ruth Roots
Dave Johnson

Month 1
4 Day Intensive
In Person Training
Plus Live calls
Month 2
Working with Tonal &
Contact forks
Mid-om & Body Tuners
Month 3
Himalayan bowls
Sonic Massage.
Month 4
Crystal Bowls with
Musical intervals &
Chakra tones.
Month 5
Voice working
with Sanskrit
Bijas & Swaras
Month 6
Shamanic Drum for
ancestral, primal and
primordial healing
Month 7
Stand Gong Mapping
with Sonic Mysticism &
Month 8
Hand Gong,
& Tingshahs
Month 9
Creative Module
Creating Bespoke Sound
healing sessions
Month 10
Sonic Sound Scapes
How to hold and create
healing spaces for groups.
Month 11
Conscious Business
Marketing & Advertising
Trauma Informed Practice
Month 12
Completion and
of all case studies
Final Assessment

Working with Hoppi will help you live in the frequency of JOY ...
Resonate with your heart...
and VIBE with your TRUE PURPOSE!

For Our
Training Brochure
Spring 2025 Course is Full
Next Intake Autumn 2025
Total Training Investment
Space holding fee to secure your place £250
then spread training costs
over 12 months
Consistent helpful support is given throughout your training.
Book an informal call to discuss
the training with Hoppi

... More ways to work with Hoppi...
Natural Shamanism Practitioner Training
15 month intensive
This is a deeply experiential journey of connecting to the Spirit in all things. You'll learn to make and work with your own shamanic tools and navigate inner landscapes whilst invoking profound healing for your clients. This is a dynamic journey of developing your own unique relationship with the Sacred within yourself and the Sacred in all things. This journey involves your own deep healing as well as facilitating soul retrieval, cord cuts, auric tear repairs and so much more. This life-changing journey will realign everything so you are a hollow flute for the music of Spirit to flow through you.
Connect with Your Shamanic Drum
7 Week Online
Drums are portals that open doors for incredible depths of healing & realisation. They provide remarkable anchors for travelling to inner realms for gleaning wisdom and inspiring soul growth. Drums are vehicles for unlocking our voices and expressing our hearts. They provide sacred containers to connect with the ancestors. Drums create rhythm and rhythm is life. Knowing how to unlock these remarkable potentials hidden within your drum requires truly connecting just as the ancients did thousands of years ago. This course will support you in diving into your drum.
Birth Your Own Shamanic Drum
1 Day of Sacred Crafting
Birth Your Own Shamanic Drum with Hoppi. You'll be guided in the powerful and humbling process of birthing your own beautiful drum and beater. This Sacred Crafting Ceremony is profound. The crafting space is always a space of intentionality where every aspect of crafting your gorgeous drum is a beautiful prayer, a teaching, a reflection of wisdom and realisation for you. Making your own drum is a form of initiation. You'll be guided to connect with the spirit of your drum and to honour all the parts that go into making this powerful instrument of healing.
... More ways to work with Hoppi...
Introduction in Natural Shamanism
9 Week Online
Are you feeling called to explore living shamanically? Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual paths on Earth and requires no scriptures, no dogma or rules. The path of shamanism often draws on working with specific tools to invoke altered states of consciousness for soul growth, heart healing and personal alignment. It is a path of beauty and connection, a path of belonging. Join Hoppi for this online journey to guide you in creating solid foundations for exploring Natural Shamanism safely and with creativity and flair.
Bespoke Retreat
With Hoppi
For Deeper Journeys
This is for people that want to journey deeply and really face down the shadows within and connect with their Soul Essence as a fully embodied reality, not some woo-woo notion or construct of the mind. Depending on your needs, a Bespoke retreat can take place over two or three days. Accommodation and all food is provided, along with optional bodywork with talented local practitioners. These retreats are a life transforming deep dive held in Pristine Love.

Elemental - Life Transforming Journey
Coming Soon Online
This is a rigorous journey involving working with the Elements as teachers. Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether contain incredible depth and wisdom for personal transformation. This journey will support you to clear inner mental blocks and help you honour and flow with your feelings. You'll start to align with your soul's passion and become grounded and present with healthy boundaries. Working with MP3 meditations, inner journeys, sacred music and a wide range of practices that create authenticity, grounding, embodiment and feeling centred in Self.